Category: Living

  • 25 Rules For Life

    25 Rules For Life

    PODCAST: TRANSCRIPT: I’ve always made it a point to listen to anyone who dispenses advice on how to live, whoever they are. Anything from ancient moral philosophy to clickbait headlines that read something like “Top ten habits of highly successful people”—all of it gets my attention. There’s always something to learn from this sort of…

  • The individual against the mass

    The individual against the mass

    PODCAST: TRANSCRIPT: If you’re anything like me, when you see a large mass of humanity going in one direction your instinct is to go another way. I can’t say what this instinct is exactly, where it comes from, or why it has the force that it does, only that it’s deeply rooted and speaks with…

  • Adversity – Dealing with COVID-19

    Adversity – Dealing with COVID-19

    PODCAST: TRANSCRIPT: The COVID-19 pandemic has raised a hornet’s nest of issues, ranging from public health matters to politics to the question of what the longer-term societal consequences of this might be. Some of these issues are philosophical, so I’m going to devote the next few podcasts to a few of them. Many right now…

  • Professionalism Podcast

    Professionalism Podcast

    What is professionalism? Why is it needed? Professionalism goes far beyond adhering to a set of rules, it is an art that can be practiced in all professions, from minimum wage jobs to the most highly accredited and well paying professions. It is a virtue to which anyone can strive.