
My writings fall generally within the traditions of philosophical hermeneutics, phenomenology, and pragmatism, and major influences on my work to date include Friedrich Nietzsche, John Dewey, Martin Heidegger, and Hans-Georg Gadamer. Current projects include a book on the philosophy of history entitled Transitions: Philosophical Reflections on Historical Change.

My latest book Artistic Creation: A Phenomenological Account, co-authored with Jeff Mitscherling, is published and available for purchase.

Purchase this book on Amazon.

Also available from Rowman and Littlefield.


Artistic creation has proven remarkably resistant to philosophical analysis. Artists have long struggled to explain how they do what they do, and philosophers have struggled along with them. This study does not attempt to offer a comprehensive account of all creativity or all art. Instead it tries to identify an essential feature of an activity that has been cloaked in mystery for as long as history records. Jeff Mitscherling and Paul Fairfield argue that the process by which art is created has a good deal in common with the experience of the audience of a work, and that both experiences may be described phenomenologically in ways that show surprising affinities with what artists themselves often report.

Other books by Paul Fairfield:

cover 2Hermeneutics and Phenomenology: Figures and Themes
Anthology co-edited with Saulius Geniusas
cover 1Relational Hermeneutics: Essays in Comparative Philosophy
Anthology co-edited with Saulius Geniusas
TeachabilityTeachability and Learnability: Can Thinking Be Taught?
EducationConversationOakeshottEducation and Conversation: Exploring Oakeshott’s Legacy
Anthology co-edited with David Bakhurst
death coverDeath: A Philosophical Inquiry
PhilHermReintPhilosophical Hermeneutics Reinterpreted: Dialogues with Existentialism, Pragmatism, Critical Theory, and Postmodernism
cover 3Education, Dialogue, and Hermeneutics
eadEducation After Dewey
whyWhy Democracy?
book3Moral Selfhood in the Liberal Tradition: The Politics of Individuality
book1Theorizing Praxis: Studies in Hermeneutical Pragmatism
 book4Is There a Canadian Philosophy? Reflections on the Canadian Identity
Co-authored with G. B. Madison and I. Harris
 414rpKN8+qL._SX328_BO1,204,203,200_The Ways of Power: Hermeneutics, Ethics and Social Criticism